(see Recent Changes)
v 3.86
7 May 00
  • Allowed a note box to be printed where ever empty calendar boxes would be printed.
  • Color coded HTML docs

v 3.84
11 Mar 00
  • Allowed week 6 to be at the top of the calendar rather than split at the bottom of the calendar.

v 3.82
4 Mar 00
  • Allowed weekly and biweekly highlights

v 3.78
11 Jan 00
  • Bug fix in reading new variables
  • Better detection when bgui libraries are not available
  • Added HeaderSize and WeekdaySize variables
  • Added support for PostScript images
  • Added support for date.library by Kai Hofmann to be used rather than rexxmathlib.library
  • Allowed various backgrounds to be transparent

v 3.76
2 Dec 99
  • Added support for alternate graphics applications (in particular, ImageDTInfo by D�maso Dom�nguez)
  • Fixed a bug in calculating Easter-based highlights (thanks to Aller Persson)

v 3.74
1 Nov 99
  • Weekday/Month headings don't default to upper-case; they show up either mixed case or the way you define them in the preferences file

v 3.72
1 Nov 99
  • Can load different preference files for different needs
  • Added MagnifyExtras variable
  • Added "Export" option to variable requester
  • rexxtricks.library now used only for shanghaing windows

v 3.70
7 Oct 99
  • Added Leading and MinWidth variables
  • ShiftLMini.FW, ShiftLMini.PGS changed to simply ShiftLMini
  • ShiftRMini.FW, ShiftRMini.PGS changed to simply ShiftRMini

v 3.68
4 Oct 99
  • Fonts and colors are now accessible through the variable requester
  • Fixed a bug in locating the moon image
  • Allowance for non-English sentence structures added
  • See Variables section on GeneratingM$, GenMVars, GeneratingY$, GenYVars
  • Allowed images to be shifted from the center of the date box
  • Eliminated need for TestMode, Black$, and White$ variables

v 3.66
20 Sep 99
  • Extras (moonphases, julian days, etc) allowed on top or bottom
  • IMPORTANT: SunCalcPath, GfxAppPath, DoSunRise, DoSunSet variables added, DoSunCalc variable dropped
  • Values of several Do... variables changed

v 3.64
10 Sep 99
  • Improved variable editor incorporated in opening requester
  • Beep and PeekQual no longer used
  • Support for dropped
  • Added progress indicator to Final Writer calendars
  • Added StretchDateW variable
  • Changed StretchDate variable to StretchDateH
  • Eliminated need for DoDebug variable (more robust error reporting)
  • Automatically adjusts widths of highlights that are too wide
  • DoHide now defaults to 0 rather than 1 (will not hide at all unless all other PageStream windows are closed)
  • DoShanghai now defaults to 1
  • Added several locale strings

v 3.62
25 Aug 99
  • BGUI is used for all requesters. bgui.library and rexxbgui.library are REQUIRED. rexxreqtools.library is no longer used.
  • MUIRexx and Gui4CLI are no longer used for any requesters
  • Improved error reporting (added DoDebug variable)
  • Dates outside the range Jan 1, 1978 - Dec 31, 2099 allowed
  • Added HighlightRows, Reset$, VarGUITitle$, EnterDateInfo$ variables
  • Deleted MonthOrYear$, EnterYear$, YearSelect$, EnterMonth$, MonthSelect$, and MonthUnknown$ variables

v 3.60
4 Aug 99
  • Added ability to insert images on specified days. See the "Images" section and the DoImages, ImageClass., MaxPicWidth, and MaxPicHeight variables

v 3.57
26 Jul 99
  • Took some variables out of the "ListAll" option

v 3.56
25 Jul 99
  • Added ShiftLMini., ShiftRMini., and ListAll variables

v 3.54
11 Jul 99
  • Re-worked variables to prevent overlapping
  • Allowed files to be installed in ANY directory
  • Renamed AddEvent.rexx to FWCAddEvent.rexx
  • Added FinalView variable
  • Address change

v 3.52
5 May 99
  • Fixed an overlap of variables preventing Text. strings from working

v 3.50
28 Apr 99
  • Added DoDateBox variable (see "Recent Changes")
  • Added DoShanghai variable (see "Recent Changes")
  • Fixed one small and one large problem with the Variable Editor

v 3.48
24 Apr 99
  • Added word wrap for highlights (see "Recent Changes")

v 3.46
23 Apr 99
  • Added DoJulianLeft variable to print days remaining in the year (see "Recent Changes")
  • Internal changes ... hope I didn't mess anything up

v 3.44
22 Apr 99
  • Oops. Left debugging settings in (result: only December printed in yearly calendar)

v 3.44
21 Apr 99
  • Moved reading of margin settings from FW's Layout/Page... requester to FW's Layout/Section... requester. Settings in the file will still override settings in FW
  • Added a credit line to the calendars

v 3.42
18 Apr 99
  • Changed behavior of variable editor

v 3.40
17 Apr 99
  • Added a simple variable editor

v 3.36
14 Apr 99
  • Fixed a bug that caused monthly events in October to be assigned to January

v 3.35
14 Apr 99
  • Added ability to include monthly and end-of-month events
  • Added ability to have weekend-exceptions to events
  • Fixed a bug introduced by the addition of the Easter-date algorithm (caused the yearly calendar to skip Jan - Mar!)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Moon routine from working on some systems

v 3.32
8 Apr 99
  • Norsk localization added (thanks Truls!). No changes to the program.

v 3.32
7 Apr 99
  • Slightly improved routine for drawing moon phases

v 3.30
6 Apr 99
  • Replaced Easter-date lookup table with an algorithm
  • Included option to include the phases of the moon (see can you help?)
  • Added DoEaster, DoPhases, MoonRadius, FullIsFilled, and Color.Moon variables

v 3.25
4 Mar 99
  • Fixed bug when FINALW.1 wasn't the Final Writer port

v 3.20
2 Mar 99
  • Fixed small DoWeekNumber bug
  • Added HeaderLoc variable
  • Added British, Irish, Portugese, and Scottish data files

v 3.15
16 Feb 99
  • Changed a command to allow macro to work with pre-v 3.4 PageStream

v 3.10
14 Feb 99
  • Added StretchDate variable
  • Added Font.Highlight variable (can be different from Font.Date)
  • Improved French translation file (thanks Pierre!)
  • Improved print routines to allow both single and double quotes
  • CAUTION: Calendars created not compatible with pre-v 3.10 AddEvent.rexx
  • Allowed for the absence of any Highlight data

v 3.05
13 Feb 99
  • Added Swedish file (thanks B�rje!)
  • Added option to print week number
  • Added text color options for Julian days, weeknumbers, and sunrise/sunset times
  • Added text prefix options for Julian days, weeknumbers, and sunrise/sunset times

v 3.02
7 Feb 99
  • Fixed an even smaller bug in TestMode

v 3.01
6 Feb 99
  • Fixed a small bug in TestMode

v 3.00
1 Feb 99
  • Extensive re-write - CHECK YOUR VARIABLES!
  • Fully scaleable
  • Works on Final Writer AND Pagestream
  • Fully localizable (see localization)
  • Updated Spanish data file
  • Start the calendar on any day of the week (eg, Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday)
  • Added Julian dates
  • Added sunrise/sunset times (via SunCalc)
  • Added the ability to launch a program or macro upon completion of the calendar

v 2.25
29 Dec 98
  • Separate data files can be used for Yearly and Monthly calendars
  • Added 'Orientation' ('Tall' or 'Wide') to variables
  • Multiple highlights on a single date improved (NO limitations!)
  • Floating date for Easter determined
  • Events based on time-after-Easter added (see Installation instructions)
  • Fixed the part of the Guide explaining how floating dates are calculated
  • Fixed the entry for calculating Thanksgiving (wrong on a recent upload, though previously working?)
  • Fixed the year for mini-calendars printed at the turn of the year (also wrong on a recent upload, though previously working)

v 2.20
10 Oct 98
  • Multiple highlights on a single date are now allowed (see Highlights

v 2.15
  • Allowed true cancellation of the "Save changes to document?" requestor
  • Added a TestMode to check the variables in the file.
  • Corrected the order in which user variables are read; resulted in the proper use of localized values for Black and White.
  • If Extended mode is turned off, the empty boxes are no longer drawn

v 2.10
  • Moved ALL user variables to file
  • Added control over colors for about everything (see variables)
  • Re-wrote (cleaned up) LOTS of the code

v 2.05
  • Not a version change, because it's exactly the same as the previous version 2.05 without my mistake of accidentally commenting out two essential lines. Do have some updates to the German and Italian translation ( files, though. SORRY!

v 2.05
  • Deleted my hard-coded margins. Oops!
  • Canned the FW requestors in favor of Reqtools requestors
  • Changed the way the upper area (the area with the mini-calendars and the month name) is calculated to allow for hard-coding margins (Dieter Zimmermann wanted his calendars to appear on the lower half of a portrait-oriented page, presumably to allow the addition of a picture on the upper half. Good idea, Dieter!)

v 2.0
  • Now 'localized' for American, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portugese

v 1.4
  • Full-year calendar now fills the full page
  • Font widths now work

v 1.3
  • Fixed macro to allow use of a comma for the decimal point instead of the period

v 1.2
  • Added box/bold of highlight dates in mini-calendars
  • Added option to print full year of calendars on a single page

v 1.1
  • De-Americanized macro (no longer assumes US Letter paper and inch units)

v 1.01
  • Corrected default margins
  • Removed my personal highlights
  • Set default fonts to more likely locations

v 1.0
  • First release